Asteroid 2024 Y4


Knife & Fork pending
NASA has been tracking it for 4 years and says that it has a 1% chance of hitting Earth in 2032. It’s 90 metres wide and the last one to hit Earth in 1908 caused catastrophic damage to 800 square miles of Siberia to mercifully mainly uninhabited wilderness. As a last resort these space rocks can be deflected from its dangerous trajectory by firing a large sized piece of space junk at it. Step up to the plate Elon Musk with a big piece of your scrap space rubbish please.
To explain it in cricketing terms for an English public fearing the worst. Put in a third slip and a gully move long off to silly short leg and keep bombarding the feckin’ thing with fast short pitched ‘bouncers’. “Oh Jimmy,Jimmy………”!
Or put it in Daka terms, the target is the corner flag, you line the target up by taking aim at those two wooden poles about 30 yards from the target.......and just like an Exocet the corner flag is destroyed....