....that we all used to love Deadline Day.
Awake early....leap out of bed...hail fellows well met with a hearty "Happy Jim White Day"!...don the magic yellow tie...snort a line in his honour and head off to the office whistling a happy tune, knowing by the time one returned home, blue dildos would be wielded, spotty young oiks in Stoke would be waving to their mates on the telly, deals would be in process and the fax machine was ready to hum.
These days the fax machine sits idle, the only movement is the tumbleweed drifting across the empty training ground car park and our fall from grace is mirrored only by that of the mighty Jim himself...
Sad times friends, sad times.
Awake early....leap out of bed...hail fellows well met with a hearty "Happy Jim White Day"!...don the magic yellow tie...snort a line in his honour and head off to the office whistling a happy tune, knowing by the time one returned home, blue dildos would be wielded, spotty young oiks in Stoke would be waving to their mates on the telly, deals would be in process and the fax machine was ready to hum.
These days the fax machine sits idle, the only movement is the tumbleweed drifting across the empty training ground car park and our fall from grace is mirrored only by that of the mighty Jim himself...
Sad times friends, sad times.
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