It's not that long ago...


....that we all used to love Deadline Day.

Awake early....leap out of bed...hail fellows well met with a hearty "Happy Jim White Day"!...don the magic yellow tie...snort a line in his honour and head off to the office whistling a happy tune, knowing by the time one returned home, blue dildos would be wielded, spotty young oiks in Stoke would be waving to their mates on the telly, deals would be in process and the fax machine was ready to hum.

These days the fax machine sits idle, the only movement is the tumbleweed drifting across the empty training ground car park and our fall from grace is mirrored only by that of the mighty Jim himself...

Sad times friends, sad times.
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....that we all used to love Deadline Day.

Awake early....leap out of bed...hail fellows well met with a hearty "Happy Jim White Day"!...don the magic yellow tie...snort a line in his honour and head off to the office whistling a happy tune, knowing by the time one returned home, blue dildos would be wielded, spotty young oiks in Stoke would be waving to their mates on the telly, deals would be in process and the fax machine was ready to hum.

These days the fax machine sits idle, the only movement is the tumbleweed drifting across the empty training ground car park and our fall from grace is mirrored only by that of the mighty Jim himself...

Sad times friends, sad times.
No Harry with window down leaving the training ground.
I was already getting nostalgic and welling up...the thought of Harry emerging in his posh motor from the training ground might have pushed me over the edge...
The only thing that might have given us a very slim chance of staying up would have been the acquisition of a genuine quality centre-half, preferably one with the ability to organise the rest of the back four. If we were going to sign such a player, it would have been done by now. So we have to face the fact that our CB partnership for the rest of the season is Faes and Vestergaard - and that's a pairing that guarantees you relegation.
....that we all used to love Deadline Day.

Awake early....leap out of bed...hail fellows well met with a hearty "Happy Jim White Day"!...don the magic yellow tie...snort a line in his honour and head off to the office whistling a happy tune, knowing by the time one returned home, blue dildos would be wielded, spotty young oiks in Stoke would be waving to their mates on the telly, deals would be in process and the fax machine was ready to hum.

These days the fax machine sits idle, the only movement is the tumbleweed drifting across the empty training ground car park and our fall from grace is mirrored only by that of the mighty Jim himself...

Sad times friends, sad times.

Do you know what Eggs I’m not even keeping an eye on the day’s proceedings. I couldn’t care less.

We had to get a player or two in to give us a chance of staying up and we’ve not done that. We’re resigned to relegation.

I’m already about done with this and the attitude of those in charge aren’t doing anything to try and change my mind.
Well...that was about as damp as a squib could get.

I managed one hollow laugh during yesterday when The Mirror website described the possible swap deal with Coady & Dawson as "sensational". I've sent them a dictionary to look the word up.
Well...that was about as damp as a squib could get.

I managed one hollow laugh during yesterday when The Mirror website described the possible swap deal with Coady & Dawson as "sensational". I've sent them a dictionary to look the word up.
Less sensational than the Sensational Alex Harvey Band. As if that’s any relevant yardstick?
Well...that was about as damp as a squib could get.

I managed one hollow laugh during yesterday when The Mirror website described the possible swap deal with Coady & Dawson as "sensational". I've sent them a dictionary to look the word up.
I blame Tony Blackburn
Well normally I object to playing the "blame game"...but Blackburn deserves to shoulder some of our irritation...

Dunno Borebage old you think if they had set expectations lower by calling themselves the Bang Average Alex Harvey Band they might have been more warmly received? (in their defence they were formed in Glasgow in the early 70's when let's be honest, a piece of citrus fruit was fairly a whole rock band...)
Never saw them live, only on the telly. Still felt Alex Harvey was about to burst through the screen and drop the Louie on me.
Well normally I object to playing the "blame game"...but Blackburn deserves to shoulder some of our irritation...

Dunno Borebage old you think if they had set expectations lower by calling themselves the Bang Average Alex Harvey Band they might have been more warmly received? (in their defence they were formed in Glasgow in the early 70's when let's be honest, a piece of citrus fruit was fairly a whole rock band...)
I’m beginning to think that the description The Bang Average Football Club might still be too lofty a pseudonym for us the way things are looking!