Flat Roofer
We're all of a certain age, and I'm guessing a good percentage of us have had a few violent rumbles in our younger days. But it was always pretty much fists and feet, at worse you might get whacked with something. But no one wanted to kill the other person they were fighting, or I'm presuming not anyway. And for obvious reasons, 1. you don't really want to be responsible for murdering someone and having to live with that for the rest of your life. 2. If you get caught, you're fucked and in prison for life (or at least you should be).
So what happened? Why don't these kids see the consequences of their actions? Why would you stab someone knowing there's a fucking good chance you're going to kill them and be locked up for the rest of your life.
It's a serious question. What changed? Do they think they'll get away with it? Do they not care? What the fuck happened?
So what happened? Why don't these kids see the consequences of their actions? Why would you stab someone knowing there's a fucking good chance you're going to kill them and be locked up for the rest of your life.
It's a serious question. What changed? Do they think they'll get away with it? Do they not care? What the fuck happened?