Harvested my first pears today

We used to have spam sandwiches and tinned peaches for Sunday tea.
Weekdays it was brown sugar sandwiches - faacking shite.
I remember when I was about 10 my grandma sent me to the butchers to get some rump steak and tripe.
I brought it all home and she proceeded to cook lunch.
Then she gave the steak to her faacking dog and gave me a plate of tripe and onions. It was faacking awful and I nearly puked up - really tough like eating rubber.

That was the first time I was glad her greenhouse got bombed.
Tomato Sauce sandwiches after getting home from the pub, it's a shame that you can no longer get tomato sauce
We always had carnation in tea on picnics etc, that was the days of pint bottled milk only, no cartons. It tasted rank