Thumbing a lift

Does anyone still do that?
That used to be my main form of transport, but it seems to have died out, is it because we're scared of strangers?
Thumbed it to Middlesbrough away early 70’s. We started off Friday afternoon and had only reached Wetherby by nightfall. Found shelter in a wooden roadside builders hut. Unfortunately set fire to it. Apparently stuffing newspapers up your shirt is a safer way of keeping warm than building a paper bonfire inside a wooden structure!
A fruit and veg market trader picked us up near the smouldering remains early next morning. We got to Middlesbrough early Saturday morning and helped the guy set up his market stall!
I got stuck late one night in Hallaton and broke into a half-built house to kip, thankfully it was the one the builders were using as a canteen and was full of porn mags, which I covered myself in to keep warm. probably not very hygienic.
Thumbed lifts when I was in south America, still do. Me and a mate, another of this parish came out of the pub to see the last bus going past, I said we’ll thumb a lift, he was scathing won’t get a lift this time of night, third car that came stopped and picked us up, they had been at the Minack theatre and were on their way home.
I do it regularly from the pub and most times get a lift.