
Well that was insightful. If I lose respect for Danish political science degrees, does that make me a nihilist?
My academic standards are high, Steve. I was only just walking around wearing a cummerbund, complaining about tariffs and the state of the opera.
The article (if you can call it that) is simplistic, childish and uninformative. Please engage in a round of self-criticism. 🧐
My academic standards are high, Steve. I was only just walking around wearing a cummerbund, complaining about tariffs and the state of the opera.
The article (if you can call it that) is simplistic, childish and uninformative. Please engage in a round of self-criticism. 🧐
I do that several times a day (the self-criticism, not the cummerbund/tariffs/opera stuff).

Surprised that's your reaction to the article, I thought it was quite engaging about an effort to put a bit of conceptual structure around something that I think is a genuine phenomenon (although I am always a bit cautious about any claims to novelty - nothing much changes, really). I'm assuming you're referring to the Atlantic article, by the way, rather than any of Michael Bang Petersen's academic publications?
Surprised that's your reaction to the article, I thought it was quite engaging about an effort to put a bit of conceptual structure around something that I think is a genuine phenomenon (although I am always a bit cautious about any claims to novelty - nothing much changes, really). I'm assuming you're referring to the Atlantic article, by the way, rather than any of Michael Bang Petersen's academic publications?

I don't read The Atlantic, the worldview and interpretations of middle class suburbia hold no interest for me.

Is my baby racist? No.

Is oxygen poison? No.

Is this movie theatre on fire? FIRE? FIRE!!!! No.

If you were were genuinely interested in the subject, you would probably seek out something that illuminates or investigates the phenomenon, rather than discredit with no investigation at all.
Don't approach things as a lawyer and make a case, take the approach of a student of history: understand the case.

It's just the way we do things in academia, Steve. Mr. 'Bang' managed only to 'pop' and fizzle. (n)