Wetherspoons selling Ale @£2-15 a pint.

Varies from pub to pub on the real ales front. Wouldve thought the turnover on guinness, ciders and lagers would mean they were as good as anywhere at a vastly reduced price
Wouldn't drink either of the modern Ruddles if you want a proper pint of Ruddles go to the Grainstore in Oakham next to the train station,opened by former head brewer and he makes '1050' to original spec, rather nice
Spoons have their real ale festival on across all their pubs currently, and yesterday it was 99p a pint in the Corn Exchange (in the market) for the festival beers.
Bought some shares in them a while back. Gone nowhere but up this year. 62% YTD!
People love "eye of the needle" if its cheap enough. Look at Primark...