Why do so many………

Merson’s the worst, but Sherwood, Mackie are almost as bad.
Is it because they don’t like the word ham on the end ?
Same as the lot who think the letter G has been taken away from the English alphabet.

Here at the Olympics we have runnin, jumpin, fencin, ridin, swimmin
Bad spelling, pronunciation and diction abound these days, not just on TV.
The 'spotted' facebook page where i grew up is filled up with people who seem to have a writing age of about six.
'free' instead of 'three'.
'could of' instead of 'could have'.
People spelling words like they speak them.
I barely scraped an 'O' level in English and I'm not that bad.
I think it stems from the launch of Eastenders in the mid 80s.
Until then, nobody north of Watford ever thought of substituting a ‘th’ sound for an ‘f’.
No matter what rough estate you were from nobody said ‘fanks’ and ‘fink’….. this started to creep in early 90s and has now made nationwide coverage of what was originally limited to cockney and the south east.
It is now so normal that foreigners learning English speak it, and BBC radio are happy to employ those who speak it, the loss of the ‘ing’ in favour of in’ has followed suit until there is a full house of bastardised language everywhere.
Local dialect or slang is fine, but this is neither, it’s simply imitating the tv.
Merson’s the worst, but Sherwood, Mackie are almost as bad.
Is it because they don’t like the word ham on the end ?
Merson was born in London, it’s how he speaks. Don’t have an issue.

Jenas on the other hand…..
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