Isabel Oakeshott


Good shot by the far right, pro-Brexit, flat Earther, anti-lockdown, conspiracy bitch.

Anyone know if you can get the texts online anywhere?
I was at university with Isabel. She dated a mate of mine for a while. I don't know where to get the texts online, though.

Sorry - that wasn't much use to you, was it?
No, it helps.

I think she is a lizard, did your mate mention anything weird about her?
It's a controlled release (the information - not anything about cocks).

There is nothing so far that is really damaging in the released messages. There is no way Wanksock would have handed over anything really bad to a journalist. He's on the way out from politics as well. This will be some favour to another lizard, or to protect him from something far worse.

All done to make the gullible think that ministers were normal humans struggling in the face of a pandemic, when what the they were really doing was skimming our money for their own profit, siphoning public funds into off-shore mate accounts and fucking partying.
Good shot by the far right, pro-Brexit, flat Earther, anti-lockdown, conspiracy bitch.

Anyone know if you can get the texts online anywhere?
The Telegraph like all papers are owned by Hancock and his masters, so its just theatre. They are distracting us or pretending to deal with Hancock.

She's a lizard.