If you lot of freaks are not obsessed by money why do you want evens on a bet that you can get 28/1. Because it’s about money and living the “high life” on £100, the 2 choices were put up or shut up, pick one.
Just refresh me on the options.
I'll draw a line under this.
I've bet Hackney that Trump will win by at least 65%. I beleve he's won by 80% at least, this can't be proved either way at the moment, so this bet can stay on the shelf until it can. So if agreed, we will leave that until it can. I would like to change the place that l donate to in the unlikely event of me losing, if that is acceptable ? The charity s called Once we where warriors, and it supports ex-military who suffer PTS and are living on hard times. My good freind is heavily involved and l know every last penny gets used in the right way. I will actually donate £200 next week as they have a printing bill in Leicester of around this figure and l will pay their bill, if that is ok ? This as no rellevence to the outcome of the bet, but we all should help if we can. Let me know.

I also have a bet with Sardine and that is that l say Biden will not be president for more than 3 months. The bet is, who ever loses don't post on here again. This can not be decided until April really, l hope that is understood !

I have a bet on Betfair of £1000 for a Trump win. The most ridclious thing as happened and they are paying out on Biden. Whatever you believe, the result is not conclusive by any stretch of the imagination and only a deluded person would say it is. Theres gig to be trouble with this, and l have strong views on the reason for this. The press are the only people declaring a Biden win, theres not official unless you believe lies, as anyone with a slightest clue knows the press do not pick the presidents. You can gloat as theres plenty of you who wish me to lose, but the president will eventually be the one the people relly voted for. There is another scenario that i've been told is a distinct possibility, that if they go into Martial Law, Trump will be become Field Marshall. That means he will still be in charge of the USA.

I don't think theres anything else to say, but, wait !
These bets are nothing to do with me, but personally I would hate anyone to stop posting on here even if I do not agree with there politics or stance.
Well neither I or Biden have lost so I haven’t paid out. Think it’s end of April now, should Trump be POTUS at that point I’ll pay.