My my Delilah

Tbf it is a horrible song that excuses the murder of a woman because some bloke ‘felt the knife’ in his hand, ‘and she laughed no more’. Like it was nothing to do with him. Disgusting if you just give it a moments thought
What next? Will Stoke fans be banned from singing Delilah? This world’s gone fucking mad…
The Stoke version is even ‘worse’ than the original.... well even less pc anyway I doubt they will stop singing it 😉
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The powers that be think the world is all peace and light, when in reality its dog eat dog when will these people realise that rancour and hypocrisy is in the human pysche
That’s a very negative take on things, it isn’t all dog eat dog, there’s plenty that look out for others and do good deeds. May not be the majority but things can be turned around for the better given time.
What next, El Paso cos someone gets shot. If some of the more violent rap songs were sung at football grounds would they be banned? I doubt it.
That’s a very negative take on things, it isn’t all dog eat dog, there’s plenty that look out for others and do good deeds. May not be the majority but things can be turned around for the better given time.
I admire your outlook but in this me me world there is IMHO little of better things to come and I find little satisfaction in my opinion.
I was only a nipper in the 2nd World War but but I witnessed more cohesion and togetherness in those bad times that have never witnessed since.
You need to consider the bigger picture. Just think of how many lives will be saved by banning this song.

Priorities, people.
Souttar won’t have to listen to Stoke singing it in the foreseeable might be on the jukebox in the games room at Seagrave though 😉
Chips & beans chips & beans fried in lard, chips & beans chips & beans in a recycled bamboo box, chips & beans chips & beans and the world is fooked…
Being told what we can and cannot sing is disgraceful. Is Tom Jones going to lose his knighthood ?

No one is currently suggesting Chelsea and Brighton fans can't sing songs about Rebekah Vardy but our fans cannot sing Rent boy or Does your boyfriend know you're here. Never mind what Leeds fans sing about Munich or Leicester being a town full of P*k*s.

To quote Roy Chubby Brown, if easily offended stay away. I don't sing any of these songs or any songs at all. But this is the thin edge of a very big wedge.
Its time all these vile songs of hate and discrimination were banned. No longer should we have to hear the likes of we can see you holding hands, In the Liverpool slums or we hate Nottingham Forest bringing society to its knees. Lets replace all these subhuman chants with songs of positivity like the thoroughly uplifting feelgood classic Leicester boys are we.
My neighbour recons he will still sing Delilah and give the missus a slap if his dinner is not on the table when he comes back from signing on LOL!!
If you look closely you will find offence in any book, film, poem, sonnet, musical composition
It just how easily we have become offended or bothered by words

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me
Bit of knicker-twisting going on here. You can still sing it if you want to - it just won't be choir-organised as it has been until now.

Thought the crowds (as they do in football) would welcome something that allowed them to be spontaneous rather than orchestrated.
If you look closely you will find offence in any book, film, poem, sonnet, musical composition
It just how easily we have become offended or bothered by words

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me
One of the worst kids rhymes ever, most bullying is mental rather than physical.
I was bullied relentlessly from the age of 7 till I left school because I was about 7 and a half stone and 5-4 inches but they didn't break me it's was the bruises and physical harm that hurt me but I stood it all it all depends on what attitude you take, its easy to be physically broken and downtrodden
You need to be mentally strong to stand up to beatings because the then schoolmasters didn't give a shit when you complained.